Possible addition to the links page?

Hi all,

I have had the last 3 days off of work, so I decided to actually create one of my many program ideas that have been floating around in my head.


YARSSR is a RSS aggregator and reader that displays its results in the GNOME system tray/notification area. This is aimed at people who don't want the burden of a full window just to monitor a few RSS feeds. I was aiming at something similar to SlashDock[1] for OSX.

After bugging muppet and others on IRC with my silly questions, I am now fairly happy with where the program is. Please feel free to let me know if you have any ideas, bugs, or any other problems if you try to use this. I have only used it with the gtk2-perl from CPAN (old, I know), so hopefully that won't be a problem.

[1] http://homepage.mac.com/stas/slashdock.html

Lee Aylward

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