Below is a script that, as far as I can tell, should print out the MIME type (as determined by GnomeVFS) of itself. But I can't get it to print anything. I'm not sure if this is a bug or maybe my code's wrong. Torsten's busy so I thought I'd pass it out the list. Cheers, Gavin. #!/usr/bin/perl use Gnome2::VFS; use URI::URL; use strict; # this is just a simple one-liner to create A URI for this file: my $file = URI::URL->new($0, sprintf('file://%s', $ENV{PWD}))->abs->as_string; Gnome2::VFS->init; my $info = Gnome2::VFS->get_file_info($file, 'get-mime-type'); print "\$info is a '".ref($info)."' object\n"; print "MIME type is: ".$info->get_mime_type."\n"; exit; -- Gavin Brown e: gavin brown uk com w: PGP/GPG key ID: 891D8FCA
Description: Perl program
Description: Perl program