Problems installing Gtk-Perl

I've got some troubles installing Gtk-Perl v0.7008 in Slackware 9.1, kernel 2.4.22:

/moby:/src/Gtk-Perl-0.7008# perl Makefile.PL
Unknown library `gtkhtml'
Submodule gdkpixbuf is needed to build gnomeprint but it appears
it's misdetected or not selected for compilation.
Available modules: gtk gtkhtml gtkglarea gdkimlib gdkpixbuf gtkxmhtml gnome gnomeprint glade applets.

You can disable the inclusion of a module using --without-pkgname.
If a package is misdetected and you still want it to compile
use --with-pkgname-force.
To disable autodetection of modules use --without-guessing.

/So I pass the argument "--without-guessing", and everything works like a charm, but when i compile:

/moby:/src/Gtk-Perl-0.7008# make
make[1]: Entering directory `/src/Gtk-Perl-0.7008/Gtk'
cc -c -I/usr/local/include/gtk-1.2 -I/usr/local/include/glib-1.2 -I/usr/local/lib/glib/include -I. -I./build -fno-strict-aliasing -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DVERSION=\"0.7008\" -DXS_VERSION=\"0.7008\" -fPIC "-I/usr/lib/perl5/5.8.0/i486-linux/CORE" -DLAZY_LOAD -DPERL_POLLUTE -DGTK_HVER=0x01020a xs/GtkMenuBar.c cc -c -I/usr/local/include/gtk-1.2 -I/usr/local/include/glib-1.2 -I/usr/local/lib/glib/include -I. -I./build -fno-strict-aliasing -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DVERSION=\"0.7008\" -DXS_VERSION=\"0.7008\" -fPIC "-I/usr/lib/perl5/5.8.0/i486-linux/CORE" -DLAZY_LOAD -DPERL_POLLUTE -DGTK_HVER=0x01020a xs/GtkCheckMenuItem.c cc -c -I/usr/local/include/gtk-1.2 -I/usr/local/include/glib-1.2 -I/usr/local/lib/glib/include -I. -I./build -fno-strict-aliasing -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DVERSION=\"0.7008\" -DXS_VERSION=\"0.7008\" -fPIC "-I/usr/lib/perl5/5.8.0/i486-linux/CORE" -DLAZY_LOAD -DPERL_POLLUTE -DGTK_HVER=0x01020a xs/Gtk-1.2.c cc -c -I/usr/local/include/gtk-1.2 -I/usr/local/include/glib-1.2 -I/usr/local/lib/glib/include -I. -I./build -fno-strict-aliasing -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DVERSION=\"0.7008\" -DXS_VERSION=\"0.7008\" -fPIC "-I/usr/lib/perl5/5.8.0/i486-linux/CORE" -DLAZY_LOAD -DPERL_POLLUTE -DGTK_HVER=0x01020a xs/GtkMenuItem.c cc -c -I/usr/local/include/gtk-1.2 -I/usr/local/include/glib-1.2 -I/usr/local/lib/glib/include -I. -I./build -fno-strict-aliasing -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DVERSION=\"0.7008\" -DXS_VERSION=\"0.7008\" -fPIC "-I/usr/lib/perl5/5.8.0/i486-linux/CORE" -DLAZY_LOAD -DPERL_POLLUTE -DGTK_HVER=0x01020a xs/GtkCombo.c

/[(...) bunch of and so, I can put all the output but it's too long (...)]

/cc -c -I/usr/local/include/gtk-1.2 -I/usr/local/include/glib-1.2 -I/usr/local/lib/glib/include -I. -I./build -fno-strict-aliasing -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DVERSION=\"0.7008\" -DXS_VERSION=\"0.7008\" -fPIC "-I/usr/lib/perl5/5.8.0/i486-linux/CORE" -DLAZY_LOAD -DPERL_POLLUTE -DGTK_HVER=0x01020a build/GtkDefs.c
rm -f ../blib/arch/auto/Gtk/
LD_RUN_PATH="/usr/local/lib:/lib:/usr/X11/lib" cc -shared -L/usr/local/lib xs/GtkMenuBar.o xs/GtkCheckMenuItem.o xs/Gtk-1.2.o xs/GtkMenuItem.o xs/GtkCombo.o xs/GtkToggleButton.o xs/GtkCTree.o xs/GtkRange.o xs/GtkAlignment.o xs/GtkRadioButton.o xs/GtkLabel.o xs/GtkPreview.o xs/GtkMenuShell.o xs/GtkAspectFrame.o xs/GtkObject.o xs/GtkVScrollbar.o xs/GtkFileSelection.o xs/GtkHRuler.o xs/GtkArrow.o xs/GtkSocket.o xs/GtkViewport.o xs/GtkBox.o xs/GtkEntry.o xs/GtkTree.o xs/GtkList.o xs/GtkBin.o xs/GtkVRuler.o xs/GtkScrollbar.o xs/GtkFontSelection.o xs/GtkSelection.o xs/GtkItem.o xs/GtkItemFactory.o xs/GtkOptionMenu.o xs/GtkDrawingArea.o xs/GtkAccelGroup.o xs/GtkWindow.o xs/GtkTooltips.o xs/GtkStatusbar.o xs/GtkEventBox.o xs/GtkTreeItem.o xs/GtkCalendar.o xs/GtkImage.o xs/GtkPaned.o xs/GtkFrame.o xs/GtkPlug.o xs/GtkHScale.o xs/GtkVPaned.o xs/GtkSeparator.o xs/GtkScale.o xs/GtkAccelLabel.o xs/GtkProgressBar-1.1.o xs/GtkToolbar-1.1.6.o xs/GtkCList-1.2.o xs/GtkContainer.o xs/GtkMenu.o xs/GtkNotebook.o xs/GtkHBox.o xs/GtkToolbar.o xs/GtkCList.o xs/GtkTipsQuery.o xs/GtkCurve.o xs/GtkHScrollbar.o xs/GtkVButtonBox.o xs/Gtk-1.1.o xs/GtkCheckButton.o xs/GtkHPaned.o xs/Gtk.o xs/GtkVScale.o xs/GtkTable.o xs/GtkProgressBar.o xs/GtkDialog.o xs/GtkData.o xs/GtkPacker.o xs/GtkVBox.o xs/GtkText.o xs/GtkHandleBox.o xs/GtkHButtonBox.o xs/GtkInputDialog.o xs/GtkRuler.o xs/GtkColorSelectionDialog.o xs/GtkFixed.o xs/GtkTearoffMenuItem.o xs/GtkFontSelectionDialog.o xs/GtkLayout.o xs/GtkAdjustment.o xs/GtkPixmap.o xs/GtkColorSelection.o xs/GtkButtonBox.o xs/GtkVSeparator.o xs/GtkScrolledWindow.o xs/GtkGammaCurve.o xs/GtkProgress.o xs/GtkListItem.o xs/GtkButton.o xs/GtkMisc.o xs/GtkSpinButton.o xs/GtkHSeparator.o xs/GtkRadioMenuItem.o xs/GtkEditable.o xs/GtkInvisible.o xs/GtkWidget.o GdkTypes.o build/PerlGtkExt.o MiscTypes.o Derived.o GtkTypes.o build/GtkDefs.o -o ../blib/arch/auto/Gtk/ -L/usr/X11/lib -L/usr/local/lib -lgtk -lgdk -lgmodule -lglib -ldl -lXext -lX11 -lm
cc: xs/GtkMenuBar.o: No such file or directory
cc: xs/GtkCheckMenuItem.o: No such file or directory
cc: xs/Gtk-1.2.o: No such file or directory
cc: xs/GtkMenuItem.o: No such file or directory
cc: xs/GtkCombo.o: No such file or directory
cc: xs/GtkToggleButton.o: No such file or directory
cc: xs/GtkCTree.o: No such file or directory
cc: xs/GtkRange.o: No such file or directory
cc: xs/GtkAlignment.o: No such file or directory
cc: xs/GtkRadioButton.o: No such file or directory
cc: xs/GtkLabel.o: No such file or directory
cc: xs/GtkPreview.o: No such file or directory
cc: xs/GtkMenuShell.o: No such file or directory
cc: xs/GtkAspectFrame.o: No such file or directory
cc: xs/GtkObject.o: No such file or directory
cc: xs/GtkVScrollbar.o: No such file or directory
cc: xs/GtkFileSelection.o: No such file or directory
cc: xs/GtkHRuler.o: No such file or directory
cc: xs/GtkArrow.o: No such file or directory
cc: xs/GtkSocket.o: No such file or directory
cc: xs/GtkViewport.o: No such file or directory
cc: xs/GtkBox.o: No such file or directory
cc: xs/GtkEntry.o: No such file or directory
cc: xs/GtkTree.o: No such file or directory
cc: xs/GtkList.o: No such file or directory
cc: xs/GtkBin.o: No such file or directory
cc: xs/GtkVRuler.o: No such file or directory
cc: xs/GtkScrollbar.o: No such file or directory
cc: xs/GtkFontSelection.o: No such file or directory
cc: xs/GtkSelection.o: No such file or directory
cc: xs/GtkItem.o: No such file or directory
cc: xs/GtkItemFactory.o: No such file or directory
cc: xs/GtkOptionMenu.o: No such file or directory
cc: xs/GtkDrawingArea.o: No such file or directory
cc: xs/GtkAccelGroup.o: No such file or directory
cc: xs/GtkWindow.o: No such file or directory
cc: xs/GtkTooltips.o: No such file or directory
cc: xs/GtkStatusbar.o: No such file or directory
cc: xs/GtkEventBox.o: No such file or directory
cc: xs/GtkTreeItem.o: No such file or directory
cc: xs/GtkCalendar.o: No such file or directory
cc: xs/GtkImage.o: No such file or directory
cc: xs/GtkPaned.o: No such file or directory
cc: xs/GtkFrame.o: No such file or directory
cc: xs/GtkPlug.o: No such file or directory
cc: xs/GtkHScale.o: No such file or directory
cc: xs/GtkVPaned.o: No such file or directory
cc: xs/GtkSeparator.o: No such file or directory
cc: xs/GtkScale.o: No such file or directory
cc: xs/GtkAccelLabel.o: No such file or directory
cc: xs/GtkProgressBar-1.1.o: No such file or directory
cc: xs/GtkToolbar-1.1.6.o: No such file or directory
cc: xs/GtkCList-1.2.o: No such file or directory
cc: xs/GtkContainer.o: No such file or directory
cc: xs/GtkMenu.o: No such file or directory
cc: xs/GtkNotebook.o: No such file or directory
cc: xs/GtkHBox.o: No such file or directory
cc: xs/GtkToolbar.o: No such file or directory
cc: xs/GtkCList.o: No such file or directory
cc: xs/GtkTipsQuery.o: No such file or directory
cc: xs/GtkCurve.o: No such file or directory
cc: xs/GtkHScrollbar.o: No such file or directory
cc: xs/GtkVButtonBox.o: No such file or directory
cc: xs/Gtk-1.1.o: No such file or directory
cc: xs/GtkCheckButton.o: No such file or directory
cc: xs/GtkHPaned.o: No such file or directory
cc: xs/Gtk.o: No such file or directory
cc: xs/GtkVScale.o: No such file or directory
cc: xs/GtkTable.o: No such file or directory
cc: xs/GtkProgressBar.o: No such file or directory
cc: xs/GtkDialog.o: No such file or directory
cc: xs/GtkData.o: No such file or directory
cc: xs/GtkPacker.o: No such file or directory
cc: xs/GtkVBox.o: No such file or directory
cc: xs/GtkText.o: No such file or directory
cc: xs/GtkHandleBox.o: No such file or directory
cc: xs/GtkHButtonBox.o: No such file or directory
cc: xs/GtkInputDialog.o: No such file or directory
cc: xs/GtkRuler.o: No such file or directory
cc: xs/GtkColorSelectionDialog.o: No such file or directory
cc: xs/GtkFixed.o: No such file or directory
cc: xs/GtkTearoffMenuItem.o: No such file or directory
cc: xs/GtkFontSelectionDialog.o: No such file or directory
cc: xs/GtkLayout.o: No such file or directory
cc: xs/GtkAdjustment.o: No such file or directory
cc: xs/GtkPixmap.o: No such file or directory
cc: xs/GtkColorSelection.o: No such file or directory
cc: xs/GtkButtonBox.o: No such file or directory
cc: xs/GtkVSeparator.o: No such file or directory
cc: xs/GtkScrolledWindow.o: No such file or directory
cc: xs/GtkGammaCurve.o: No such file or directory
cc: xs/GtkProgress.o: No such file or directory
cc: xs/GtkListItem.o: No such file or directory
cc: xs/GtkButton.o: No such file or directory
cc: xs/GtkMisc.o: No such file or directory
cc: xs/GtkSpinButton.o: No such file or directory
cc: xs/GtkHSeparator.o: No such file or directory
cc: xs/GtkRadioMenuItem.o: No such file or directory
cc: xs/GtkEditable.o: No such file or directory
cc: xs/GtkInvisible.o: No such file or directory
cc: xs/GtkWidget.o: No such file or directory
cc: build/PerlGtkExt.o: No such file or directory
cc: build/GtkDefs.o: No such file or directory
make[1]: *** [../blib/arch/auto/Gtk/] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/src/Gtk-Perl-0.7008/Gtk'
make: *** [subdirs] Error 2

/That's what I'm getting!!!

Hope that someone could help!!!
Thanks in advance

Ricardo Oliveira

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