gperl functions

from my IRC logs:

11:26PM <Elec``> Hi
11:30PM <Elec``> What library contains all the _gperl_* functions? Gtk2 seems to be having problems linking to it for me.

all of the gperl_* functions are in the Glib perl module, and prototyped in gperl.h. (the "Glib" module was originally named just "G".)

the linker may refer to them as _gperl_* because at link time the C linker actually prepends an _ to all functions; GCC typically doesn't display this, though, and we have special tricks in Makefile.PL to handle win32, so i'm wondering -- on what system are you seeing this problem?

She's obviously your child. She looks like you, she talks a lot, and most of it is gibberish.
  -- Elysse, to me, of Zella.

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