Re: Question about Gtk2::GladeXML and Gtk+2.{2,4}

Pascal Giard wrote:
--- Sebastien Bacher <seb128 debian org> a écrit :
glade 2.0.1 use gtk2.2 so it's in unstable, glade 2.5 use gtk+2.4 so
it's in experimental ...

if so [it's experimental], i'm waiting for it to reach unstable.

You can wait for a while so, we are keeping gtk2.4/gnome2.6 out of
unstable for release purposes (ie: you will probably have to wait for
sarge freeze/release).

glade 2.5 is available, and experimental packages work fine
(they are good enough to be in unstable but we are keeping out because
of sarge).

Following that discussion, i'm very tempted at using Glade-2 2.5...
But i'm wondering if GtkComboBox will work with the libgtk2-perl/libgtk2-gladexml-perl pkgs
available in Debian unstable (which are the up to date versions) because it's libgtk2 2.2 not 2.4

Any idea ? Is GtkComboBox new from 2.4 exclusivly ?


Yes, GtkComboBox is a new 2.4 thing. Glade 2.5.x supports it, as does libglade 2.3.x. Glade files created with glade 2.5.1 must be used with gtk 2.4 and gnome 2.6, however.

Marc Brockschmidt has produced packages of libgtk2-perl that support gtk 2.4 (thanks to my pestering) and they are available in experimental as well.

I'm unsure if there are any major changes in libglade that would mess up Gtk2::GladeXML but I have libglade 2.3.6 installed and have been using a libglade-using perl program with no problems.


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