Question about Gtk2-1.042/examples/

I am having some trouble in understanding the script found in the Gtk2-1.042 /examples directory. This is the example of creating a custom GtkTreeModel with Gtk2-Perl. I was trying to see how to set up some initial properties about the data format for a newly created object TreeModel.

I would like to describe column types and number of columns without using hardcoded constants, but from passed arguments to the functions/subroutines.

Ideally, I was wondering if it is possible to create a CustomList object like this:

my $customlist = CustomList->new($n_columns_scalar, $arrayref_column_types);

From looking at the perldoc on Glib::Object::Subclass, it seemed to me that this is possible via defining a new constructor in the CustomList package.

So I began by simply adding a simple new constructor just above the INIT_INSTANCE function, as follows:

sub new {
   my $class = shift;
   my $self = {};
   bless($self, $class);
   print "Hello there from new!\n";
   return $self;

However, now the program fails when it reaches the

$self->row_inserted($path, $self->get_iter($path));

line in the append_record subroutine.  It gives me the following error:

$ perl5.8.3
Hello there from new!
Gtk-CRITICAL **: file gtktreemodel.c: line 684 (gtk_tree_model_get_iter): assertion `GTK_IS_TREE_MODEL (tree_model)' failed at line 366. variable not allowed to be undef where GtkTreeIter is wanted at line 366.

However, the program works fine, when the added "new" constructor is removed. I was wondering if I am implementing my new constructor wrong, or if I should be explcitly mentioning some class that I should be inheriting from, or if I completely misunderstood the concept about how to add initial properties for a CustomTreeModel in Gtk2-Perl?

Also, I was wondering if there are any additional resources are available to refer to about implementing custom GtkTreeModels with Gtk2-Perl besides the and examples, and the GTK+ 2.0 Tree View Tutorial (

Thanks again to all help in advance.



Attached below is what I edited in


# ported from Tim-Phillip Mueller's Tree View tutorial,

package CustomList;

use Glib qw(TRUE FALSE);
use Gtk2;
use Carp;
use Data::Dumper;
use strict;
use warnings;

# maybe bad style, but makes life a lot easier
use base Exporter::;

our @EXPORT = qw/

# The data columns that we export via the tree model interface

use constant {
   CUSTOM_LIST_COL_NAME      => 1,

#  here we register our new type and its interfaces with the type system.
#  If you want to implement additional interfaces like GtkTreeSortable,
#  you will need to do it here.

use Glib::Object::Subclass
   interfaces => [ Gtk2::TreeModel:: ],

# This method of implementation does not work -- Niel comment
#use Glib::Object::Subclass (Glib::Object::);

#  Experiment -- just wanted to see what a "new" would do...

sub new {
   my $class = shift;
   my $self = {};
   bless($self, $class);
   print "Hello there from new!\n";
   return $self;


# this is called everytime a new custom list object
# instance is created (we do that in custom_list_new).
# Initialise the list structure's fields here.

   my $self = shift;
   $self->{n_columns} = CUSTOM_LIST_N_COLUMNS;
   $self->{column_types} = [
       'Glib::Scalar',    # CUSTOM_LIST_COL_RECORD
       'Glib::String',    # CUSTOM_LIST_COL_NAME
       'Glib::Uint',    # CUSTOM_LIST_COL_YEAR_BORN
   $self->{rows}     = [];

   # Random int to check whether an iter belongs to our model
   $self->{stamp} = sprintf '%d', rand (1<<31);

#  this is called just before a custom list is
#  destroyed. Free dynamically allocated memory here.

   my $self = shift;

   # free all records and free all memory used by the list
   #warning IMPLEMENT

# tells the rest of the world whether our tree model has any special
# characteristics. In our case, we have a list model (instead of a tree).
# Note that unlike the C version of this custom model, our iters do NOT
# persist.

#sub GET_FLAGS { [qw/list-only iters-persist/] }
sub GET_FLAGS { [qw/list-only/] }

# tells the rest of the world how many data
# columns we export via the tree model interface

sub GET_N_COLUMNS { shift->{n_columns}; }

# tells the rest of the world which type of
# data an exported model column contains

   my ($self, $index) = @_;
   # and invalid index will send undef back to the calling XS layer,
   # which will croak.
   return $self->{column_types}[$index];

# converts a tree path (physical position) into a
# tree iter structure (the content of the iter
# fields will only be used internally by our model).
# We simply store a pointer to our CustomRecord
# structure that represents that row in the tree iter.

sub GET_ITER {
   my ($self, $path) = @_;

   die "no path" unless $path;

   my @indices = $path->get_indices;
   my $depth   = $path->get_depth;

   # we do not allow children
   # depth 1 = top level; a list only has top level nodes and no children
   die "depth != 1" unless $depth == 1;

   my $n = $indices[0]; # the n-th top level row

   return undef if $n >= @{$self->{rows}} || $n < 0;

   my $record = $self->{rows}[$n];

   die "no record" unless $record;
   die "bad record" unless $record->{pos} == $n;

   # We simply store a pointer to our custom record in the iter
   return [ $self->{stamp}, $n, $record, undef ];

#  custom_list_get_path: converts a tree iter into a tree path (ie. the
#                        physical position of that row in the list).

sub GET_PATH {
   my ($self, $iter) = @_;
   die "no iter" unless $iter;

   my $record = $iter->[2];

   my $path = Gtk2::TreePath->new;
   $path->append_index ($record->{pos});
   return $path;

# custom_list_get_value: Returns a row's exported data columns
#                        (_get_value is what gtk_tree_model_get uses)

   my ($self, $iter, $column) = @_;

   die "bad iter" unless $iter;

   return undef unless $column < @{$self->{column_types}};

   my $record = $iter->[2];

   return undef unless $record;

   die "bad iter" if $record->{pos} >= @{$self->{rows}};

   if ($column == CUSTOM_LIST_COL_RECORD) {
       return $record;
   } elsif ($column == CUSTOM_LIST_COL_NAME) {
       return $record->{name};
   } elsif ($column == CUSTOM_LIST_COL_YEAR_BORN) {
       return $record->{year_born};

# iter_next: Takes an iter structure and sets it to point to the next row.

   my ($self, $iter) = @_;

   return undef
       unless $iter && $iter->[2];

   my $record = $iter->[2];

   # Is this the last record in the list?
   return undef
       if $record->{pos} >= @{ $self->{rows} };

   my $nextrecord = $self->{rows}[$record->{pos} + 1];

   return undef unless $nextrecord;
   die "invalid record" unless $nextrecord->{pos} == ($record->{pos} + 1);

   return [ $self->{stamp}, $nextrecord->{pos}, $nextrecord, undef ];

# iter_children: Returns TRUE or FALSE depending on whether the row
#                specified by 'parent' has any children.  If it has
#                children, then 'iter' is set to point to the first
#                child.  Special case: if 'parent' is undef, then the
#                first top-level row should be returned if it exists.

   my ($self, $parent) = @_;

###    return undef unless $parent and $parent->[1];

   # this is a list, nodes have no children
   return undef if $parent;

# parent == NULL is a special case; we need to return the first top-level row

    # No rows => no first row
   return undef unless @{ $self->{rows} };

   # Set iter to first item in list
   return [ $self->{stamp}, 0, $self->{rows}[0] ];

# iter_has_child: Returns TRUE or FALSE depending on whether
#                 the row specified by 'iter' has any children.
#                 We only have a list and thus no children.


# iter_n_children: Returns the number of children the row specified by
#                  'iter' has. This is usually 0, as we only have a list
#                  and thus do not have any children to any rows.
#                  A special case is when 'iter' is undef, in which case
#                  we need to return the number of top-level nodes, ie.
#                  the number of rows in our list.

   my ($self, $iter) = @_;

   # special case: if iter == NULL, return number of top-level rows
   return scalar @{$self->{rows}}
       if ! $iter;

   return 0; # otherwise, this is easy again for a list

# iter_nth_child: If the row specified by 'parent' has any children,
#                 set 'iter' to the n-th child and return TRUE if it
#                 exists, otherwise FALSE.  A special case is when
#                 'parent' is NULL, in which case we need to set 'iter'
#                 to the n-th row if it exists.

   my ($self, $parent, $n) = @_;

   # a list has only top-level rows
   return undef if $parent;

   # special case: if parent == NULL, set iter to n-th top-level row

   return undef if $n >= @{$self->{rows}};

   my $record = $self->{rows}[$n];

   die "no record" unless $record;
   die "bad record" unless $record->{pos} == $n;

   return [ $self->{stamp}, $n, $record ];

# iter_parent: Point 'iter' to the parent node of 'child'.  As we have a
#              a list and thus no children and no parents of children,
#              we can just return FALSE.


# ref_node and unref_node get called as the model manages the lifetimes
# of nodes in the model.  you normally don't need to do anything for these,
# but may want to if you plan to implement data caching.
#sub REF_NODE { warn "REF_NODE @_\n"; }
#sub UNREF_NODE { warn "UNREF_NODE @_\n"; }

# new:  This is what you use in your own code to create a
#       new custom list tree model for you to use.

# we inherit new from Glib::Object::Subclass

# append_record:  Empty lists are boring. This function can be used in your
#                 own code to add rows to the list.  Note how we emit the
#                 "row-inserted" signal after we have appended the row
#                 so the tree view and other interested objects know about
#                 the new row.

sub append_record {
   my ($self, $name, $year_born) = @_;

   croak "usage: \$list->append_record (NAME, YEAR_BORN)"
         unless $name;

   my $newrecord = {
       name => $name,
# name_collate_key => g_utf8_collate_key(name,-1), # for fast sorting, used later
       year_born => $year_born,

   push @{ $self->{rows} }, $newrecord;
   $newrecord->{pos} = @{$self->{rows}} - 1;

   # inform the tree view and other interested objects
   # (e.g. tree row references) that we have inserted
   # a new row, and where it was inserted

   my $path = Gtk2::TreePath->new;
   $path->append_index ($newrecord->{pos});
   $self->row_inserted ($path, $self->get_iter ($path));


package main;

no strict 'subs';
use Glib qw(TRUE FALSE);
use Gtk2 -init;

import CustomList;

sub fill_model {
   my $customlist = shift;

   my @firstnames = qw(Joe Jane William Hannibal Timothy Gargamel);
   my @surnames   = qw(Grokowich Twitch Borheimer Bork);

   foreach my $sname (@surnames) {
       foreach my $fname (@firstnames) {
           $customlist->append_record ("$fname $sname",
                                       1900 + rand (103.0));

sub create_view_and_model {
 my $customlist = CustomList->new;
 fill_model ($customlist);

 my $view = Gtk2::TreeView->new ($customlist);

 my $renderer = Gtk2::CellRendererText->new;
 my $col = Gtk2::TreeViewColumn->new;

 $col->pack_start ($renderer, TRUE);
$col->add_attribute ($renderer, text => &CustomList::CUSTOM_LIST_COL_NAME);
 $col->set_title ("Name");
 $view->append_column ($col);

 $renderer = Gtk2::CellRendererText->new;
 $col = Gtk2::TreeViewColumn->new;
 $col->pack_start ($renderer, TRUE);
$col->add_attribute ($renderer, text => &CustomList::CUSTOM_LIST_COL_YEAR_BORN);
 $col->set_title ("Year Born");
 $view->append_column ($col);

 return $view;

 my $window = Gtk2::Window->new;
 $window->set_default_size (200, 400);
 $window->signal_connect (delete_event => sub {Gtk2->main_quit; 0});

 my $scrollwin = Gtk2::ScrolledWindow->new;

 my $view = create_view_and_model();

 $scrollwin->add ($view);
 $window->add ($scrollwin);



 exit 0;



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