Re: Re: a question about entry

Chas Owens said:
Quoting ken <x t hua 163 com>:
would you like to tell me where you find the examples?
giving fishing is better than giving the fish.

I originaly learned from

does anyone know the author of that tutorial to ask if there are any plans to
create one for gtk2-perl. or is anyone interested in converting the gtk2
tutorial(s) to gtk2-perl. or something of that nature.

but unfortunatly that is only Gtk (not Gtk2).  Now I use the Gtk2 and Gnome2
references at

translating from C to Perl using Gtk2::api (also available at

my personal favorite page is the widget hierarchy:

).  That is sort of a lie though since I really just do what I expect to work
from my experience with Gtk and only lookup those things I don't remember or
that don't work the way I expect them to (like the functions that have been
moved down a layer to Glib from Gtk).

that's why experience counts for something...

the gtk2-perl doc page has links to lots of useful stuff:

for a very rudametrary introduction see


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