
the Gtk+ team has come out of the cvs shell and released the first in the unstable 2.3.x series, 2.3.0.

this release includes many of the new things that are going to be in 2.4.x, but carries the warning that it is not guaranteed to be stable, in terms of API and such.

if you want to play with the new features in gtk2-perl before 2.4.0 gets here, i whipped up an add-on module that adds support for the new features to the existing gtk2-perl code (e.g. the 1.00 releases or cvs HEAD) -- it even works *without* recompiling your installed Glib and Gtk2 modules, so long as you force the new gtk+ libs to load first (hint: LD_PRELOAD)!

this includes Gtk2::FileChooserDialog, Gtk2::ComboBox, Gtk2::Expander, Gtk2::ToolButton, and other fun things. there are also a couple of demo programs that exercise a couple of the widgets. oh yeah, it also includes a listing of methods by package, as generated by the xsub collector i wrote the other day.

i'd just like to point out that gtk2-perl makes writing bindings so easy, i went from compiling and installing a testbed version of gtk+-2.3.0 to posting this tarball in only four hours. (i really wanted to see the new file selector. :-)

just in case you don't get the LD_PRELOAD hint, here's how i ran this:

tetsuo:$ GTKLIB=/home/scott/gtk23/lib
perl -I blib/lib/ -I blib/arch/ ./

muppet <scott at asofyet dot org>

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