Re: stupid question...

Bruno Boettcher said:
i have a dialog which has the prupose to present the advancement of

now that i know have the hammer that can create new cell renderers, suddenly
everything starts looking like a nail...  but your new hboxes should indeed
show up.

so i add h-boxes which contain a progessbar and 2 labels caracterising
the different downloads ... after creating, filling and adding the vbox
i call a show_all on it, and this works fine when the dialog is called...

the actual transfers show up as progress bars, the updating of the
progressbars works nicely...

the problem i have is when other downloads are started... they won't
show up in the dialog.... i have to destroy the window and call another
one to see the new trasnfers...

thought show_all goes recursively through teh container and scedules the
action of making the widgets visible??

what am i doing wrong?

each time you have a new download coming in, do you create and add the hbox to
the vbox?  pack_start and show_all should do what you want.  you may possibly
also need a $window->queue_resize after calling pack_start, unless the vbox is
inside a scrolled window.

i can't tell you much more without seeing the code.

muppet <scott at asofyet dot org>

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