
attention gtk2-perl-developers:

i've made the branches for what will become Glib 1.02 and Gtk2 1.02. the next betas and releases in that series are under the branch tag rel-1-02-branch in the Glib and Gtk2 directories.
only documentation and bugfixes will go into rel-1-02-branch[1].  the 
next release will be a beta, 1.013, which will be followed by 1.014 if 
necessary, and then 1.02.
HEAD will continue with normal development and new features.  after 
each release or major change, we'll merge the branch changes back into 
the trunk.

this sort of tree management is still somewhat new and cumbersome to me, so please forgive me if i've made a mess of things.

[1] the branch name includes the word "branch" because we'll eventually have the tag rel-1-02 on the actual 1.02 release, and the branch needs to be set apart somehow.
"that's it! you're a genius!" "yes. that's what i think. do you think i deserve a raise?"
        - dialogue from 'Godzilla versus Mothra', 1964

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