Call signature of Gtk2::MessageDialog->new

A slightly tricky one:

The call signature of Gtk2::MessageDialog->new () is not consistent with the C documentation. It's now:

GtkWidget *
gtk_message_dialog_new (class, parent, flags, type, buttons, message)
       GtkWindow_ornull * parent
       GtkDialogFlags flags
       GtkMessageType type
       GtkButtonsType buttons
       char * message

From C, the message part is a printf()-style format string, with additional arguments allowed for the sprintf.

Now, even I can understand why you don't want to pass the varargs through to gtk+, you would have to parse the format string in order to determine what data types to map the additional arguments to.

But what about doing the sprintf (the perl one) from the xs layer to keep the signatures identical? The one remaining problem (which is also present in the current implementation) is that any '%' in the string would be interpreted by the sprintf in gtk+ as a go-ahead to eat up more arguments, worst case dumping core and best case producing garbage.

So, how about calling gtk+ as:

... (parent, flags, type, buttons, '%s', result_of_perl_sprintf);


P.S. The same goes of course for Gtk2::MessageDialog->new_with_markup () in gtk-2.3.0

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