Re: GladeXML Gtk2::Gdk::Drawable

On Tue, 2003-11-18 at 01:16, Bruce Alderson wrote:
I'm porting the scribble Gtk2:: example to GladeXML, and am getting the
following error on the expose event:

*** unhandled exception in callback:
***   variable is not of type Gtk2::Gdk::Drawable at ./ line
***  ignoring at ./ line 38.

very odd.  i can't recreate that.
tetsuo:~$ pkg-config --modversion libglade gtk+-2.0

this error sounds like the backing pixmap $pixmap is not getting created
properly, but from looking over your code it appears that everything is
going fine.  configure_event, where the pixmap is created, gets fired
correctly, and the pixmap gets drawn white, and in fact it appears to
expose correctly.

what seems most odd to me is that i can't draw.  my window manager
appears to consider any window which doesn't receive button-press events
in the app as a handle by which to drag the window... the entire drawing
area is a big drag handle for me.  in fact, adding the line

$drawing_area->add_events (['button-press-mask', 'pointer-motion-mask',

on the line after you extract $drawing_area from the xml tree fixes the
example completely for me.

i find that odd because your glade file tells glade to set those flags
on that widget.  does anybody know if there is a known bug about glade
ignoring your widget flag settings?

muppet <scott at asofyet dot org>

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