help wanted: someone to make win32 binary packages

is there anyone who wants to build win32 binary packages of Gtk2-Perl?

Gavin is under heavy load and can't make win32 binaries of Gtk2-Perl. 
I, too, am under heavy load, and my win32 build environment is dedicated
to be booted into linux until january.

Gtk2-1.00 and Glib-1.00 compile on windows with the patch distributed on
the sourceforge page.  Setting up the build environment is a PITA (as is
everything related to software development on windows), but i will be
happy to give you all the information i have.  You will need
ActiveState's Perl, Microsoft Visual C++ (i used MSVC6), and some binary
installation of gtk+ 2.x.

The part of the job which i do not know how to do is create binary
packages that other people can use.  I tried creating ActiveState PPMs
but i cannot get them to install.  Also i blissfully know nothing of
creating installers for windows programs.

Contact me off-list if you are interested.

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