Dazed and confused about menus


I am writing a menu system which will run other programs I will write
(if I ever get to grips with this!).  Details of each menu item are
stored in a database and are specific for each user i.e. some users will
get different sets of menu options from others.
There are a series of optionmenus used to cover different areas of work,
and to simplify navigation around a large set of options.

Everything works fine, except for attaching the callback to run the
programs - it always contains the details of the last menuitem created,
as opposed to the one selected, and I don't understand how to make this
work (or even if it CAN work!)

The offending subroutine is detailed below.

Any pointers or examples would be gratefully accepted!

#######  code starts here

sub LoadMenus{
    my @data;
    my @data1;

    $sql3->execute($userid,$dbname) or die ("Error Reading Menu Files");
    while((@data1) = $sql3->fetchrow_array()) {
        push(@data,[ data1]);
    for($cntr=0;$cntr < $number ;$cntr++){
        $menu_name = $data[$cntr][0];
        $title     = $data[$cntr][2];
        $subname   = $data[$cntr][3];
        $recordno  = $data[$cntr][4];
# if the menu is already defined, do nothing, otherwise define a new
        if( !defined($menus{$menu_name})){
            $menus{$menu_name} = Gtk2::Menu->new;
# Add a new item - connect the RunProg callback if a type P, or a 
# submenu if a type S

        $MenuItem[$cntr] = Gtk2::MenuItem->new($title);
        if($data[$cntr][1] eq 'P'){
            $progname  = $subname;
            $MenuItem[$cntr]->signal_connect('activate' => sub{
\&RunProg(@_,$progname)} );
            $MenuItem[$cntr]->set_submenu ($menus{$subname});

sub RunProg{

   print Dumper(@_);
   my ($widget,$progname) = @_;
   print "prog is $progname\n";
    $file2run = $AB1WRKDIR.'/'.$progname;
#    if($pid=fork){
#       return 0;
#    }elsif(defined $pid){
#       exec $file2run;
#    }else{
#       die "Cannot fork new process1";
#    }

####  end of code



David Sword

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