Re: RFC: api change for insert-text (Re: Bug report for signal "insert-text")

Torsten Schoenfeld schrieb:
On Wed, 2003-11-05 at 19:33, muppet wrote:

the annoying part of that is "why do i have to return these two values if i
don't want to modify them?"

Is there any application for the "insert-text" signal that doesn't
require modifying those values? I can't think of any that wouldn't be
better done using the "changed" signal.
That was the reason for me beginning this thread. I have an entry that 
accepts only integer values. If someone presses a non-numeric key, I 
just stop the signal (and beep). The return value doesn't matter in this 
case. IMHO this is the most used type of using this signal.

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