Re: Example for doing gtk draw_string on a drawing area (newbie)

Hello Cameron,

I would recommend that you use the Gnome::Canvas instead for creating
your graphics. It is much simpler than to use the primitive gdk 
functions directly on a window. Since you are using Gtk-Perl-0.7008 then
see the Gnome/samples/ directory for examples of how to 
create the various canvas objects. For a more complete description of the
canvas, see the GGAD book.


On Tue, May 13, 2003 at 09:10:56PM +1200, Cameron Kerr wrote:
Hi, I'm new to Perl, and to GTK programming.

I'm making an SNMP graphing application, and have so far got it to poll,
draw, and update the display.

Now I need to draw some labels and values on the axes.

I'm fairly certain I need to use draw_string, but I don't know what the
font argument is supposed to be.

So far, the appropriate lines say

        my $font_gc = new Gtk::Gdk::GC ( $widget->window );
        my $fontcolor = $widget->window->get_colormap->color_alloc(
                        { red => 0, green => 0, blue => 0 } );

        $graph->draw_string( $font_gc, 'what goes here?', 
                      20, 20, "Hello, World" );

According to the error message, its supposed to be of type
Gtk::Gdk::Font, but how do I specify it?


Cameron Kerr
Email:   cameron kerr paradise net nz

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