Hm. ItemFactory vs. gtk2-perl 0.90 ? :)

Hi there. I posted a topic about ItemFactory things and "attach" a small 
source code. I had some problems with callback. Now i upgraded gtk2-perl to 
0.90 and this script which running :) not run with new 0.90 version.

The error is this : 

root:/works2/uhutv-0.9# ./
ItemFactory couldn't retrieve widget it just created at 
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0/i386-linux-thread-multi/ line 74.

So what is that ? :) I f*cked up something in the source ?? Or it wasn't 
really good ? Or what? :)

Best Regards: Christian Hamar alias kRiX

Ps..: here is the source :

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use Gtk2;

init Gtk2;

$m{'win'} = new Gtk2::Window;
$m{'win'}->signal_connect('delete-event', sub { Gtk2->main_quit; });

$m{'vbox'} = new Gtk2::VBox(0,1);

@menu_items = (
        path            => '/Main',
        type            => '<Branch>'
        path            => '/Main/_TV',
        accelerator     => '<control>T',
        callback        => \&do_some
        path            => '/Main/_Print',
        accelerator     => '<control>P',
        callback        => \&do_print
        path            => '/Main/_Exit',
        accelerator     => '<control>E',
        callback        => sub {Gtk2->main_quit;}
        path            => '/Perfs',
        type            => '<Branch>'
        path            => '/Perfs/_Settings',
        accelerator     => '<control>S',
        callback        => \&do_settings
        path            => 'Help',
        type            => '<Branch>'
        path            => '/Help/About',
        callback        => \&do_about

$m{'menubar'} = create_menubar( $m{'win'} );
$m{'vbox'}->pack_start($m{'menubar'}, 0, 1, 0);

sub create_menubar {
        my  ( $window ) = @_;
        my $item_factory;
        my $accel_group;
        $accel_group = new Gtk2::AccelGroup();
        $item_factory = new Gtk2::ItemFactory( 'Gtk2::MenuBar', '<main>', 
        $item_factory->create_items( @menu_items);
        return ($item_factory->get_widget('<main>'));


main Gtk2;

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