[REGRESSION] perl exceptions in callbacks now break c/gtk+2


exceptions throwing/catching is the high level error recovery
mechanism of perl.

however, dieing in a gtk callback now results in unexpected behaviour
(that is from a perl programmer viewpoint, of course gtk+ as being
developed in c is not supposed to support them):

GLib-GObject-ERROR **: file gsignal.c: line 646 (emission_pop): should not be reached     >
aborting...                                                                               >
zsh: abort      logdrake                                                                  >

as for example, see gtk2-perl/misc-examples/exception-trapping.pl from
old inline tree.

short answer to this bug may be "do not do that" but:

- when you've some quite a big code base, it's sometimes easier to do
  error managment like this and anyway,

- this is one of perl way of doing it, and it really save some code
  and/or make code saner.


the problem (as explained by guillaume) is that:

- gtk+, as being x11 client side, performs an active loop on x events,
  react to them, interpret them in terms of gtk events that need
  calling gtk callbacks

- there's some kind of gtk_main() call stack

- if we got a perl exception, we interrupt normal gtk execution and
  bypass normal gtk return from callback

- once we catch the exception from perl and try to perform more, we'll
  put glib/gtk+ in trouble as soon as we try to resume normal gtk+

old gtk-perl and gtk2-perl recovery systems:

guillaume implemented some recovery system in
gtk2-perl/Gtk2/src/Gtk2.c and in gtk2-perl/Gtk2/src/GClosure.c, that

- each call to gtk_main result in incrementing a main call counter

- we run perl-gtk callback with G_EVAL

- if we catch an exception:
  o if we already cautgh another exception, print a "sorry folks"
  o else we save the exception that need to be croaked again and we
    run gtk_main_quit
  o once c gtk_main had exited, perl gtk_main croak the pending

but this mechanism was not keeped when switching to inline to xs (due
to saner/better design of new tree).

old perl-GTK (that is gtk+-1.0/1.2 perl binding) also has such a
mechanism (die in callback did worked).

porting old recovery system:

Compare GClosure.c from inline tree to Glib/GClosure.xs from new tree:

naive merging of  guillaume recovery system may look like this
regarding glib:

Attachment: marshall.diff
Description: Text Data

however, note that:

- xs tree sanely separate glib from gtk, thus:
  o we cannot call gtk_main_quit from there
  o we cannot easily share variables between Glib.so and Gtk2.so (so
    that perl's gtk_main know there's an exception to croak)

- i've reach my limited knowledge of xs, so we need someone more
  intelligent than me to restore old perl-GTK-0.7xx and inline
  perl-GTK2 binding behaviour regarding perl exceptions throwed from
  gtk callbacks :-(

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