Re: Signal disconnecting [patch, RFC]

On Sat, 2003-08-16 at 21:02, muppet wrote:
the next question would be "why isn't it implemented?"  the answer is,  
"because there's not a clean way to do it."   
g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func() takes a pointer to a C function,  
and as such is useless for language bindings.  even the API reference  
says so.  the real thing to do would be to bind  
g_signal_handlers_disconnect_matched(), for which disconnect_by_func()  
is merely a convenient wrapper.

most of the signal functions actually work with GClosures, which are  
GLib's representation of functions as first-class objects.  the perl  
bindings completely replace the idea of a GClosure with a perl code  
      GPerlClosure, the bindings' specialized version of GClosure which  
knows how to marshal perl subroutines, stores a copy of the scalar that  
points to the code to be run.  if we wanted to look up signal handlers  
by function, we'd have to look through the lists of GClosures for  
matching callback SVs --- but the closure lists are private to  

that means that in order to implement  
(disconnect|block|unblock)_by_func or  
(disconnect|block|unblock)_matched, the bindings actually have to keep  
their own list of all the GPerlClosures connected via  

i do have a working implementation that i whipped up while trying to  
answer this message, but i am hesitant to commit it, because i don't  
really like the solution (duplication of data, overhead and performance  
penalties, general fragility).

the code is attached, please let me know what you think.

would there have to be hooks in the other ways of disconnecting signal
callbacks to remove stuff from the binding's table. i'm not sure how the
table would know that something was disconnected out from under it with
the Glib::Signal->disconnect($handler_id) and other such methods.


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