Re: Gtk2:Dialog->new

On Monday, August 11, 2003, at 10:08  PM, Deling Ren wrote:

I have no idea what value should I pass as $parent, since this dialog has no parent.

then the parent is undefined.  pass undef.  :-)

BTW, I have no background in GTK/GTK2/Perl, where shall I start to lean gtk2-perl? I didn't find any helpful tutotial to start off with. I have a lot of experience with MS Windows SDK/MFC though. Thanks!

if you have done a lot of C++ with MFC (my condolences), then you should be comfortable with the tutorial on how to use GTK through the C interface.

the Gtk2::api manpage describes how to translate the C API into gtk2-perl.

but our docs assume you are comfortable with perl. if you aren't comfortable with perl yet, you'll want to get to know its ins and outs. randall schwartz' "learning perl" is one of the best o'reilly books you can own. also, perl's online manpages can tell you more than you ever wanted to know.

but really, the biggest differences between Gtk and the MFC is Gtk's packer-layout versus static coordinate placement[1] and GLib's signal/callback framework versus MFCs message-routing tables. oh, and the document/view arch is not part of Gtk. and you say "widget" instead of "control." :-)

[1] actually, you *can* do fixed layout in Gtk, but once you've figured out the packing you'll never go back.

muppet <scott at asofyet dot org>

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