[patch] debian directories for gtk2-perl modules

OK, this patch adds a debian/ directory to each of:


It also adds a script to helpers/ that builds all the debs for you.

GnomePrint2 is left out for two reasons: 1) it doesn't seem to do much
yet and 2) I can't build it on my system (libgnomeprintui2.0-dev is no
longer in debian unstable, we're on 2.2. I suppose this could be fixed
by a small change to Makefile.PL though, but I haven't tried it)

The files in these debian/ directories are current as of right now; I am
working on getting new debs uploaded but mini-dinstall is being a pain,
so it may be tomorrow before they're up.

I will send in a new patch whenever I release new debs (which is only
usually during the weekly bugfix release, or what-have-you)

I would appreciate feedback on the Build-Depends and Depends lines of
debian/control of each package; I am fairly sure I have the dependencies
down (I checked Makefile.PL etc for each package) but I'd like to be
sure. (for non-debian people: Build-Depends specifies packages required
at build-time, and Depends specifies packages required at install/run
time. see http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ for more info)

Also, the packages fail some lintian checks that I'm not quite sure
about; they don't affect how the package works, so I'll worry about them


Attachment: debian.diff
Description: Text Data

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