Re: mouse control

Hi AvA,

AvA wrote:

Hi all,

Is there a way that I can get some values from the mouse so I can crop
an ImLibImage with it.

The idea is how The Gimp does it.
Can you use a signal handler connected to 'button_press_event' and then
use the event structure passed to the handler (structure below)?

$VAR1 = bless( {
                 'state' => 0,
                 'xtilt' => '0',
                 'button' => 3,
                 'send_event' => 0,
                 '_ptr' => 143691524,
                 'window' => bless( {
                                      '_gtk' => 143790040
                                    }, 'Gtk::Gdk::Window' ),
                 'ytilt' => '0',
                 'x_root' => '103',
                 'source' => 'mouse',
                 'time' => -199762998,
                 'pressure' => '0.5',
                 'x' => 97,
                 'y_root' => '238',
                 'y' => 136,
                 'deviceid' => 65244,
                 'type' => 'button_press'
               }, 'Gtk::Gdk::Event' );

Do $event->{'x'} and $event->{'y'} give you the coords you want?

Regards, Dermot

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