Re: geometry of gtk window relative to root window

Riswick, J.G.A. van wrote:


How does one get the geometry of a gtk window relative to the root?
I tried

  my $width  = $widget->allocation->[0];
  my $height = $widget->allocation->[1];

but that always returns 0...

the Gdk window is the one for which you can get a position.
try this:

   $win = new Gtk::Window 'toplevel';
   $win->add_events ( 'button-press-mask' );
   $win->signal_connect ( button_press_event => sub {
                  use Data::Dumper;
                  print Dumper( [ $win->window->get_position ] );
                  } );
   $win->signal_connect ( delete_event => sub { Gtk->main_quit; 1 } );

move the window and click in it, then do it again. looks like the root window coordinates of the Gdk window. for child windows it tells you the position relative to the upper left corner of the parent.

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