Re: Refreshing GUI

The usual way this is done is by using the Gtk::Gdk::input_add function. 
E.g. you would do:

  open (TMP, "$external_job_script 2>&1 |");
  $window->Gtk::Gdk::input_add(fileno(TMP), ['read'],
  main Gtk;

  sub external_job_handler {
      while(<TMP>) {
          $text->insert($font, undef, undef, $_);

The main loop is all within Gtk and the sub external_job_handler()
is only called when there is data to be read on the tmp file handler.

Here is a complete program:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
#  Example program for input_add.
#  Dov Grobgeld
#  2002-06-02

use Gtk;

my ($window, $text);

sub create_widgets {
    # Create some gtk widgets
    $window = Gtk::Widget->new("Gtk::Window",
                               -type    => "-toplevel",
                               -title   =>      "GtkFileTail",
                               -delete_event => sub { print "Ouch!\n"; exit }
    $text = new Gtk::Text();


# open all the files for reading
sub open_proc {
    my($proc) = @_;

    open (PROC, "$proc 2>&1 |");
    $window->Gtk::Gdk::input_add(fileno(PROC), ['read'],
                                 [\&external_job_handler, \*PROC]);


# called whenever there is something to read on the file handle
sub external_job_handler {
    my($fh) = @_;

    # read a line
    $_ = <$fh>;
    $text->insert(undef,undef,undef, $_);

    return 1;

# Leave control to gtk
init Gtk;
open_proc("perl -ne '\$|=1; print; sleep 1' /etc/passwd");

main Gtk;


Hope this helps.

On Tue, May 28, 2002 at 04:47:13AM -0600, bcorr wrote:
I have a GUI that is used to drive the running of various tasks, some
run locally by the GUI, others run remotely via LSF and I am wondering
what the best method for keeping the GUI window contents refreshed would
The problem is that should the GUI be waiting on a job and is
temporarily obscured by another window, when it is revealed again it
sits there looking blank and obviously waiting for a refresh. I have
tried something like this:
open (TMP, "$external_job_script 2>&1 |");
while (<TMP>) {
     Gtk->main_iteration while Gtk->events_pending;
close TMP;
but the problem is that the external jobs that use LSF just sit there
waiting to run and so don't really kick the while (<TMP>) loop into
Can someone tell me what the best way of keeping the GUI window
regularly refreshed would be?

                                                        ___   ___
                                                      /  o  \   o \
Dov Grobgeld                                         ( o  o  ) o   |
The Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel             \  o  /o  o /
"Where the tree of wisdom carries oranges"              | |   | |
                                                       _| |_ _| |_

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