Re: Getting screen position

Steve Fox wrote:

On Thu, 2002-12-05 at 16:00, dams idm fr wrote:

my ($x, $y) = $window->window->get_position;

I mentioned that above as causing an error. Specifically,

Can't call method "get_position" on an undefined value at ./ line

Any ideas? Thanks.

the extra ->window is still correct.

you have hooked your signal to the "destroy" event --- this gets called as the widget is being destroyed, specifically, i think, *after* then window is off the screen. that means the GdkWindow doesn't exist anymore.

what you actually want, methinks, is the "delete-event", which is exactly when the user clicks the "x" in the window manager.

   $window->signal_connect("delete-event", sub { buhbye($window); });

when i did that, i got

   x: 53, y: 730

as the output.

/me slaps forehead for not having seen it earlier

in a larger application, you'll want to be able to save the window position from more than just a window-manager kill, so this code should actually go into your app's "quit" handler, and have the delete-event signal call the same thing that "File->Quit" (or its equivalent in your app) calls.

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