clist/Button trouble


i've got strange trouble with clist/button functionality.
There's a $ep_dele[$a]  Delete-Button. Once clicked, the selected line of the 
clist is deleted :-) which works pretty fine.
Trying to select the next row after deletion by $lvclist[$a]->select_row( 
$row, 0 ); all rows up to the end of the list are deleted, which is not what 
i want :-)
I tried a lot to fix it, but haven't found any solution.
Is the Button widget buggy, or the clist?
(How) can i protect more than the selected line beeing deleted? 

Another Question about clist:
i read it's possible to hide columns, that they are not visible to the user. 
But how?

Thx, Jens

this is the code, starting at the first sub

    352 sub open_lvNB {
    562 $ep_dele[$a] = new Gtk::Button( "delete" );
    584 $lvclist[$a]->signal_connect( "select_row", \&select_row_callback,$ 
data, $tab, $a);
    590 }

    631 sub ep_dele
    632   {
    633 my ( $widget, $tab, $lf, $a, $row) = @_;
    642  $lvclist[$a]->remove( $row);
    643  $lvclist[$a]->moveto( $row, 0, 0.5, 0.0 );
    653  $lvclist[$a]->select_row( $row, 0 );
    655 }

    734 sub select_row_callback
    735   {
    736     my ( $widget, $null, $tab, $a, $row, $column, $event ) = @_;
    742     my @ary = &get_DS($tab, $lfnr);
    745     &lvposwin(@ary, $a, $tab, $row);
    747   }

    751 sub lvposwin
    752   {
    792  $ep_dele[$a]->signal_handlers_destroy();
    793  $ep_dele[$a]->signal_connect( "clicked", \&ep_dele, $tab, $lf, $a, 
    797  }

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