RE: problem with entry box changed event

Hi Vladimir,

Thanks for the response.
I don't have text in ComboBoxDialog entry within Glade.  

I tried the below.  The $data is empty each time.

Actually, what I just tried is commenting out the line as you suggested and
did a stack backtrace in the debugger.  When commenting out the line, the
on_ComboBoxDialog_changed gets called once from Gtk->main when I actually do
a change within the Dialog box.

When I uncomment out the line, the on_ComboBoxDialog_changed gets executed
twice.  The first time it is referenced from 
$dialogForm->{'physRouteEntry'}->set_text( $Selection )  within routine
on_X_clicked and the second time it is referenced from the same exact line
of $dialogForm->{'physRouteEntry'}->set_text( $Selection )  
In both calls, the $Selection is the same value.  

Seems strange but it looks as if a set_text may copy the $Selection value
into the combo box twice, hence executing the changed callback twice.


-----Original Message-----
From: Vladimir V. Markevich [mailto:markj LinS ospu odessa ua] 
Sent: Wednesday, November 28, 2001 12:23 PM
To: Tommy Zovich
Cc: 'gtk-perl-list gnome org'
Subject: Re: problem with entry box changed event

Hi Tommy

Do you have text in Glade in your ComboBoxDialog entry, when you construct
Try to comment out $dialogForm->{'physRouteEntry'}->set_text( $Selection );
and look on the $data in on_ComboBoxDialog_changed subroutine. Possible it
changed by another call, you can look in

May be it help. 

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