Re: Gtk::Label::set_text() doesn't grok international characters?

On 05/24/01 Federico Heinz wrote:
I've just stumbled upon a very strange thing... if $lbl is a
Gtk::label, and I tell it to $lbl->set_text("child"), it works
great, but if I tell it to $lbl->set_text("niño¨), it doesn't
change $lbl's text. Same goes for $lbl->set(). Am I missing
something here?

Well, "niño¨ is not a valid string in perl, maybe you use
"niño" in your code, though? Anyway posting the code you use
could prove useful, since changing the label works fine here.
If the label actually changes but you see nothing or something else
on screen it's probably a font screwup on your machine.


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