Drag and Drop MIME info

I'm try to get drag and drop working in a gtk-perl program
but am encountering a major problem.

I'm trying to allow a single drag source to have multiple
MIME types so depending on where it is dragged, a different
set of data is passed.

The problem is that no matter how I define my target_table
for both the source and dest drag widgets, the $info parameter
of my drag_data_get and drag_data_received callbacks (the 6th
parameter) is ALWAYS 0.

My target table is set up like :

  my @local_target_table = (
      {'target' => "message/info", 'flags' => 0, 'info' => 32},

for both the source and destination.  I would expect to get 32 in
$info in my callback, but I don't.

Does anyone have a working example in perl of a drag and drop
with multiple source types?  (testdnd.pl in the Gtk-Perl-7.006
distribution didn't work either, dropping it on the root window
returned a 0 in $info as well).


Andrew Schretter
Systems Programmer, Duke University
Dept. of Mathematics (919) 660-2866

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