Re: 2 questions regarding a perl daemon with a GTK interface

Here is an example program that I wrote a while ago that shows
exactly how you can do this. This program is simultanously running
the Gtk mainloop and is also an http daemon. Btw, it should be fairly
easy to change the program to use XML-RPC.

The key to this program is to add the daemon fileno to the mainloop of 
Gtk through the Gtk::Gdk::input_add(). 

To test the program below. Run it in the background, and connect
with your webbrowser to the following URL:


The message hello/there should appear in the label.


On Wed, May 09, 2001 at 11:52:30PM -0500, gfricke hushmail com wrote:
I recently used glade to build my first perl program with a GUI interface. 
 I have come across two problems that I haven't been able to figure out. 
 My GTK experience is very minimal and my perl expertise is limited to just 
a few programs.

Problem 1 - How do I send GTK to the background so that I can run a daemon 
loop listening for remote connections, yet having the GTK portion of the 
program still sending all the actions/signals to thier appropriate functions/handlers? 
 If i enter my daemon loop after the Gtk->mainl command the loop never executes. 
 Likewise if I insert the daemon loop before the Gtk->main call the window 
never appears.

Problem 2 - How can I bind the window manager's destroy button "X" at the 
top right corner of the window to my exit function?  My exit button currently 
displays an exit dialog window before exiting the application, and I would 
like the same dialog when the user clicks on the "X" at the top of the window. 
   I tried using the delete_event signal handler with a call to my exit 
function, however, this method resulted in destroying the main window and 
then spawning my exit dialog window.

Thanks in advance for any help.

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Attachment: hello-http-server
Description: Text document

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