Re: Menus and Toolbars

hi there ...

yes, if you are using Gnome. 

                type       => 'item',
                label      => 'New',
                pixmap_type => 'stock',
                pixmap_info => 'New',
                callback => \&new
                type       => 'separator',

$window is an Gnome::App object.

----- Original Message -----
From: budman intergrafix net
To: gtk-perl-list gnome org
Subject: Menus and Toolbars

I have been working on Menus and can't seem to figure out Accelerators.
I've been basing the Stock icons on how Glade generates code.

Is there a way to make "File" appear with F being underlined? 

I tried ItemFactory for menus. Does it support Stock Menu icons?      

      $handlebox = new Gtk::HandleBox();
      $main_vbox->pack_start( $handlebox, $false, $false, 0 );
      $menu_bar = new Gtk::MenuBar();
      $handlebox->add( $menu_bar );
      $menu_root = new Gtk::MenuItem();
      $menu_accel = new Gtk::AccelLabel( 'File' );
      $menu_root->add( $menu_accel );
      $menu_accel->set_pattern('_    ');
      $menu_bar->add( $menu_root );
      $menu_item = Gnome::Stock->menu_item('Menu_New', 'New File');
      $menu->append( $menu_item );
      $menu_root->set_submenu( $menu );
For doing toolbars with Stock Icons:
      ( $icon, $mask ) = Gnome::Stock->pixmap_gdk( "New", "GPixmap");
      $iconw = new Gtk::Pixmap( $icon, $mask );
      $button = $toolbar->append_item("New","Add New File", "Private", $iconw
      $button->signal_connect( "clicked", sub { Gtk->exit( 0 ); } );
      $button->set_usize( 48, 0 );

Is there an ItemFactory for generating toolbars?

with friendly regards....
        jens luedicke <jens irs-net com>
 PMC - Perl Mail Client
 perl -le 'use Inline C=>("bool debcheck(){\n#ifdef DEBIAN\n
 return TRUE;\n#endif\n}");&debcheck==0||print"This is a Debian System!"'

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