I created a little app today to demonstrate "rapid serial
visualization". Rapid Serial Visualization is the process of blasting
words onto the screen. In this dynamic representation of text, each word
is flashed on the screen one at a time in succession. It allows the user
to read faster than normal. I used Gtk::GladeXML and finished it up in
several hours. I don't have a nice install script yet, but it should run
fine if the glade file is in the current directory. 

It runs great, but I did have several questions come to my mind when
developing it. Is there a way to append the glade file to the end of
your script and access it with Gtk::GladeXML? Also is there a way to
"auto scroll" a scrolled window (you may need to see the program to
understand what I mean)? Is there a way to hide a filedialog before the
on_filedialog_ok_button_clicked handler completes?

The app can be found at http://www.icebreaker.net/gnomersvp/

I look forward to hearing any feedback.


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