Re: a few problems

On 02/18/01 Mitch Allmond wrote:
A.) When using gnome bindings to creat such things as toolbars, you can
choose a stock icon like

pixmap_type => 'stock',
pixmap_info => 'Convert',

however, due to the lack of documentation, how can I continue to use the
gnome object but yet use my own xpm file/data for a image/icon?

Just change the code to use a filename:
pixmap_type => 'filename',
pixmap_info => '/path/to/image.xpm',

XPM data is not supported right now, it's on the TODO list.

B.) Setting window sizes do not seem to work. I made sure to turn size
memory off in my window manager and I made it so that I couldn't resize
it. However, no matter what I did, it would not size the window at all.

What code are you using? You should usually call:

        $window->set_default_size($width, $height);

If this doesn't work, it's probably a window manager bug, try 
with another one.

C.) I'm creating buttons in another pop up window with a for loop.
Anyway, a callback for one of them would be done with

$select_button->signal_connect( "clicked", sub{ $video_card =
$card_list[$x_temp]; } );

However, it will not set $video_card at all. I've set up a few prints to
see what was going on and all is fine. The callback just seems to do
nothing on the first click and on the second click it sets $video_card
to null. It's weird.

It looks like the callback is called, so gtk+ and Gtk/Perl work.
All the things you do in the callback is your fault:-)
We may try to help you out anyway if you post the source, though.


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