Re: Gtk3 Spinner does not spin


there were some themeing issues with the spinner in GTK 3.x - but they have been solved, and I cannot reproduce in GTK 3.12 (old stable) and GTK 3.14 (current stable) with the default theme, Adwaita.

another thing to check is if you have animations enabled in your settings, or if the system is running in a Virtual Machine. disabling animations will also disable spinners, and when running GNOME in a VM, animations are automatically disabled.


On Saturday, December 6, 2014, Juergen Harms <juergen harms unige ch> wrote:
My question re the non-spinning spinner has remained without answer, so far.

Googling, you can find several questions on this issue: all insist that the spinner does not spin , and most answers question the questioners sanity (e.g. did you start the spinner).

I just downloaded and run an example that is meant to illustrate using the spinnner widget:

Also this spinner does not spin - behaves precisely as my gotting-stuck spinner.

The important question is: is this a common problem among various distros, or is it an upstream problem of GTK?

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