Re: [gtk-osx-users] ITSTool building error with Python built before.

Le 16 août 2022 à 02:09, john <jralls ceridwen us> a écrit :

On Aug 15, 2022, at 9:13 AM, Pascal <p p14 orange fr> wrote:


I've made a fresh gtk-osx install with:
jhbuild bootstrap-gtk-osx
jhbuild build pygments
jhbuild build meta-gtk-osx-bootstrap

I've got this error:

*** Configuring libxml2 *** [5/9]
/Users/me/2022a/src-2022/libxml2-2.9.12/configure --prefix /Users/me/2022a/xnadalib-2022 
--libdir="$JHBUILD_LIBDIR" --with-python  
*** Configuring itstool *** [7/9]
checking whether /Users/me/2022a/src-2022/.new_local/share/virtualenvs/etc-Mg3srn31/bin/python3 version is 
= 2.6... yes
checking for python module libxml2... /Users/me/2022a/src-2022/itstool-2.0.6/configure: line 2604: 59919 
Done                    echo "import $py_module"
   59920 Segmentation fault: 11  | $PYTHON - >&/dev/null
not found
configure: error: Python module libxml2 is needed to run this package
*** Error during phase configure of itstool: ########## Error running 
/Users/me/2022a/src-2022/itstool-2.0.6/configure --prefix /Users/me/2022a/xnadalib-2022    *** [7/9]

itstool configure is unfortunately using $PYTHON:
      if test -n "$PYTHON"; then
    # If the user set $PYTHON, use it and don't search something else.

which is set to (in jhbuild env):

This PYTHON variable wasn't set in January'22 the last time I ran jhbuild.
Thus itstool was built ok.

What could be a workaround?

The most straightforward is to add
   module_extra_env['itstool'] = ('PYTHON' : os.env.path(prefix, 'bin', 'python3'))
to your jhbuildrc-custom.

Thanks John for your quick answer,

My thinking was erroneous, sorry, the error is not that python doesn't find libxml2 like:
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'libxml2'

Whatever the PYTHON value is, as PYTHONPATH is set with ${prefix}/lib/python3.10/site-packages then libxml2 
is successfully found but provoques a Segmentation fault.

It was ok last time with python 3.9:
bld% ./xnadalib-2021/bin/python            
Python 3.9.2 (default, Jan  9 2022, 11:56:26) 
[Clang 13.0.0 (clang-1300.0.29.3)] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
import libxml2

But not with python 3.10:
bld% ./xnadalib-2022/bin/python3
Python 3.10.2 (main, Aug 15 2022, 12:49:45) [Clang 13.1.6 (clang-1316.] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
import libxml2
zsh: segmentation fault  ./xnadalib-2022/bin/python3

Both built libxml2 have same version.

I don't find any relevant help on Google.
libxml2 is a too long story :-( sorry to bother you with that.

What is your feedback?

Thanks, Pascal.

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