Re: [gtk-osx-users] pygobject3 installation with Python 2.

Le 1 avr. 2021 à 05:18, John Ralls <jralls ceridwen us> a écrit :

On Mar 31, 2021, at 12:27 PM, Pascal <p p14 orange fr> wrote:


I've built pygobject with the following command:
% jhbuild build pygobject3

It installs python stuff only in $prefix/lib/python3.8.

The GTK based program I'm porting to macOS uses Python 2.7 (I hope not for a very long time) and it issues 
the error:
ImportError: No module named gi

How to tell the installer to put also files in $prefix/lib/python2.7?

Note: "jhbuild build pygobject" doesn't install gi stuff.


Assuming that you're building both python and python3 and that you've gotten the names in $PREFIX/bin 
sorted, try passing -Dpython=python2 as an additional mesonarg to pygobject3.

Many many thanks John, this did the job :-)

However, I got:
Run-time dependency pycairo found: NO (tried pkgconfig, framework and cmake)

Thus I had to rebuild pycairo for Python 2 with the same extra option and it did the job:

% jhbuild shell
% cd pycairo-1.18.1
% mkdir build
% cd build
% meson -Dpython=python2 --prefix /opt/xnadalib-2020 --libdir lib  --wrap-mode=nofallback 
% ninja
% ninja install
% pkg-config pycairo --libs
% meson -Dpython=python2 --prefix /opt/xnadalib-2020 --libdir lib  --wrap-mode=nofallback 
% cd -
% cd pygobject-3.32.2
% cd build
% meson -Dpython=python2 --prefix /opt/xnadalib-2020 --libdir lib  --wrap-mode=nofallback 
% ninja
% ninja install

So, GNAT Studio ( - IDE for Ada language) is running on macOS Big Sur!
Well, the mouse clic is weird: when clicking in a source code it selects many lines as shift key was pressed 
while clicking (text selection) !?

Kind Regards, Pascal.

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