Re: [gtk-osx-users] GTK-Mac-Bundler lib changes.

On Jun 10, 2020, at 12:33 PM, Pascal <p p14 orange fr> wrote:

Hello John,

Le 9 juin 2020 à 17:47, John Ralls <jralls ceridwen us> a écrit :

Something else is wrong. `encoding` *is* a legal parameter to `open`:

When running jhbuild shell for gtk-mac-bundler the Python is version 3.6 built in .new_local:
[JH]% which python
[JH]% python --version
Python 3.6.10

Once you've started the jhbuild shell gtk-mac-bundler python should be the one in $PREFIX. Are you sure 
you're not getting the Apple-supplied python 2.7? That *doesn't* have an encoding argument to open().

Yes I agree, I can't explain more what it is going on.

As for keyboard shortcuts, it depends on what shortcuts you mean. If it's something like ctrl vs. command 
make sure that you use GDK_MODIFIER_INTENT_PRIMARY_ACCELERATOR instead of GDK_CONTROL_MASK. If you use 
accelerator groups other keys can be customized with an accelerator map file; if not you'll have to 
hand-code them one by one.

OTOH if you want to use the keybindings from system preferences you'll have to code that yourself, AFAIK 
Gtk doesn't do that.

Well, I mean shortcuts with <cmd> key as <cmd>F for find.
I was wondering if I were missing some keyboard mapping files in the bundle rather than source code changes 
as the program is written to support macOS shortcuts (but I haven't dig in detail to that code).

No, there's nothing in gtk-mac-bundler or gtk-mac-integration about this, it's built into Gtk since 2.10 or 
so. Are the accelerator keys correct when run from the jhbuild install directory?

John Ralls

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