[gtk-osx-users] gtk2 failing to build + no pangoft2



I am trying to build, using Gtk-OSX under High Sierra, a gtk2 program which has previously been built successfully using Gtk-OSX on an earlier macOS installation and currently builds OK on Fedora 29.  Although I have used Gtk-OSX before, that was some time ago.


Initially I successfully ran ./gtk-osx-setup.sh, jhbuild bootstrap-gtk-osx and jhbuild build meta-gtk-osx-bootstrap meta-gtk-osx-gtk3; then jhbuild build meta-gtk-osx-core, also successful, and subsequently jhbuild build meta-gtk-osx-freetype – under the impression that freetype and fontconfig had not been installed.


Attempting to build the program, it failed on missing pango headers, notably pangofc-font.h.


In the attempt to get pangoft2 installed I have tried jhbuild build –f pango, tried adding lines to jhbuildrc-custom such as module_mesonargs[“pango”]=”use_fontconfig=true”, and finally ran: jhbuild build –f meta-gtk-osx-bootstrap meta-gtk-osx-freetype meta-gtk-osx-core.


The outcome is that pangoft2 has still not been installed – even though pango has been reinstalled - and gtk2 has now failed to build, reporting errors for gtkaliasdef.c, aliases not supported on darwin.


Any advice on how best to recover from this situation and how to get pangoft2 installed would be appreciated.  Inspection of the pango package suggests pangoft2 will not be built on macOS unless the option ”use_fontconfig=true” is supplied.

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