Re: [gtk-osx-users] Bundling, Mountain Lion, and X11 freetype library [SOLVED]


Thanks for your response!

In installing a fresh version of the GTK+3 suite with the jhbuild directions, I still had X11 freetype being pulled into the mix (this is on a Snow Leopard OR Lion machine with /usr/X11 installed).

However, I was able to account for this by preloading some modules before the main GTK+3 build as follows. The following occurs after running the gtk-osx setup script.

% jhbuild bootstrap
% jhbuild build libpng
% jhbuild build freetype
% jhbuild build meta-gtk-osx-bootstrap
% jhbuild build meta-gtk-osx-gtk3

Running otool -L over all gtk/inst/lib libraries, there was no inclusion of X11. The preloading of libpng is because freetype would try to link into X11's libpng.

I'm now able to distribute bundles without any X11 dependencies.



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