Re: [gtk-osx-devel] Problems with - M1

On Feb 14, 2022, at 10:03 AM, Spock <spock rogersfamily me uk> wrote:

Hi, I’m running on an M1 Mac/MacOS 12.2 and am having a couple of problems ...

First off, I’m running without any homebrew paths in any of the environment variables.

Now, with this shell, when I run the script, I get the following:

— snip ----
pyenv: pip: command not found

The `pip' command exists in these Python versions:

Note: See 'pyenv help global' for tips on allowing both
     python2 and python3 to be found.
pyenv: pip: command not found

The `pip' command exists in these Python versions:

Note: See 'pyenv help global' for tips on allowing both
     python2 and python3 to be found.
—- snip ---

So I add a line to the script to allow it to find python:

— snip —
# Point pyenv at the 3.10.0 Python ...
$PYENV local 3.10.0
$PIP install --upgrade --user pip
— snip ---

With this line, I remove the artefacts from the previous build and re-run. This time the script completes, 
so I move on to “./.new_local/bin/jhbuild bootstrap-gtk-osx which appears to complete successfully.

*** Was this the right thing to do?

The final step “jhbuild meta-gtk-osx-bootstrap meta-gtk-osx-gtk3 fails due to problems finding a version of 
ninja …

— snip ---
gtk-doc 1.33.1

 User defined options
   libdir     : lib
   prefix     : /Users/j/gtk/inst
   wrap_mode  : nofallback
   tests      : false
   yelp_manual: false

ERROR: Could not detect Ninja v1.8.2 or newer
— snip ---

I checked the version installed by the script …

— snip ---
j@pauls-mbp ~ [nobrew] % ./.new_local/bin/ninja —version
— snip ---

*** So what is happening with ninja? Is there a setup step I’m missing?

Any help much appreciated!

Your fix for pip seems reasonable. Did you remember to add ~/.new_local/bin to $PATH?

John Ralls

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