Re: [gtk-osx-devel] Tools with Homebrew

On Sat, Nov 12, 2016 at 5:22 PM John Ralls <jralls ceridwen us> wrote:

On Nov 12, 2016, at 2:56 PM, philip chimento gmail com wrote:

On Sun, Oct 30, 2016 at 10:39 PM <philip chimento gmail com> wrote:
On Sat, Oct 29, 2016 at 7:43 PM John Ralls <jralls ceridwen us> wrote:

It might be worthwhile to see if there's any way we can use the Gnome modulesets. Alison Lortie did a lot of work on them a couple of years ago to get them to work with one of the BSDs (I forget which), and Darwin is technically a BSD. If that could be made to work it would be more of a work-saver than integrating with Homebrew.

I took a dive into the history and saw a commit from Allison actually adding support for conditions "darwin", "macos", and "quartz":

That looked promising. I'm building now using the official modulesets and hitting fewer failures than I expected so far.

Good news! I have coaxed the "meta-gnome-extended-devel-platform" target from the official modulesets to build, start to finish. I needed only about a dozen patches to existing modules, some of which have been committed already.

I'll work on cleaning up my patches to the official modulesets and open a bug in bugzilla for that.

I now have only two modulesets specific to macOS: "sysdeps", containing instructions for building all the stuff from tarballs that vanilla jhbuild has listed as <systemmodule> (such as cairo, itstool, libicu, ...) and "overrides", containing instructions for building stuff that really won't work if you try to build from the vanilla modulesets, currently containing only vala (because the normal moduleset assumes you have a system-installed vala compiler to bootstrap it) and webkit (too many patches, and pinned to 2.10.2.) I'll put this online as soon as I've cleaned up things a bit, probably later today or tomorrow.

How should we integrate this into gtk-osx-build (if at all?) Depending on what the reaction to the bugzilla bug is like, maybe this should go into jhbuild entirely.

How vanilla were you able to make it? IOW did you need any of the gtk-osx stuff, like jhbuildrc-gtk-osx, or could someone check out jhbuild and your two modulesets and build an arbitrary meta-gnome-extended-devel-platform?

You definitely still need a hefty jhbuildrc, because you need to pick the correct SDK, etc. (At least, I assume you need that; I didn't try it without.) I streamlined the existing jhbuildrc-gtk-osx to support only 64-bit and 10.9+, and got rid of the JHB multi-tree stuff, in order to make debugging jhbuildrc a bit simpler for myself. But that could be undone if we wanted to merge it back into gtk-osx-build.

I was able to move some of the custom stuff from jhbuildrc into the modulesets themselves, using things like <if condition-set="macos"> to add or remove autogenargs in the actual module definition.

You also need whatever patches are needed to compile the stuff in my two modulesets.

I suggest that rather than filing a bug you bring it up on gtk-devel and see what is the reaction of the broader community; the objective would be to integrate your modulesets into the standard gnome set in jhbuild and gnome-modulesets.

Sounds good, will do when I've put it online.

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