Re: [gtk-osx-devel] jhbuild problem

On Jun 22, 2015, at 1:58 PM, Miguel Angel <kmsiete gmail com> wrote:

Hi there 
I have a problem with jhbuild I follow the instructions for install jhbuild here, but when I try to build gnome-builder with this command 
jhbuild -m gnome-world build gnome-builder it shows the following message: 

jhbuild build: failed to parse gnome-world: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'gnome-world’

I can´t figure out why this problem happened, it works ok on fedora but on mac does´t work I have a macbook 
pro with Yosemite, any ideas?

I want to develop some vala projects.

Gk-OSX doesn't use the standard Gnome modulesets, it has its own.

TingPing has some instructions at for using the mainstream 
modulesets. If you’d prefer to stick with Gtk-OSX you can build vala with `jhbuild build vala`. You may or 
may not find the other dependencies you need for your project in the Gtk-OSX moduleset. If they’re not there 
it’s not hard to create a new moduleset for your project that builds those and includes the Gtk-OSX 
modulesets for the core stuff.

John Ralls

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