Re: [gtk-osx-devel] Gdk::Pixbuf::create(Gdk::Window, int, int, int, int) on Mac LION

(or place a call to setup_debug() instead of setup_release() in your .jhbuildrc-custom file) 

From the .jhbuildrc: 

> # Call either setup_debug or setup_release in your .jhbuildrc-custom
> # or other customization file to get the compilation flags.
> def setup_debug():
>     global autogenargs
> # The enable-debug option generally turns on ASSERTS, which can slow
> # down code and in the case of WebKit, breaks it on OSX because of
> # threading problems. It's better to set it for individual packages
> # with append_autogenargs().
> #    autogenargs = autogenargs + " --enable-debug=yes"
> # Gtk+ crashes in gdk_window_quartz_raise() -- in a call to [NSWindow
> # orderFront:] if gcc is passed -O0 for 64-bit compilation. The old
> # stabs+ debug format also doesn't work. See Snow Leopard in the Wiki
> # for more information about debugging.
>     environ_prepend('CFLAGS', "-O0 -ggdb3")
>     environ_prepend('CXXFLAGS', "-O0 -ggdb3")
>     environ_prepend('OBJCFLAGS', "-O0 -ggdb3")
> def setup_release():
>     environ_prepend('CFLAGS', "-O2")
>     environ_prepend('CXXFLAGS', "-O2")
>     environ_prepend('OBJCFLAGS', "-O2")


On 12/07/2012, at 1:34 PM, Richard Procter wrote:

> Jim, 
> On 12/07/2012, at 9:39 AM, JIm Charlton wrote:
>> How exactly do I compile gtkmm, gdk-pixbuf and glibmm with debugging support?  Seems like it should be simple but no matter where I put the -ggdb flag, the Makefile seems to ignore it.
> $ CFLAGS="-ggdb" ./configure 
> should do the trick (at least, for gdk-pixbuf-2.24.0, which I've just tried on my system here under a jhbuild shell). 
> regards, 
> Richard.

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