[gtk-osx-devel] Gdk::Pixbuf::create(Gdk::Window, int, int, int, int) on Mac LION

I am porting some gtkmm-3.0 code from Linux (Ubuntu) to Mac OS X (LION) on an x86_64 machine.

I have struggled to get gtkmm-3.0 and all of its dependencies installed but have managed to do so with jhbuild.

One last problem remains. At one point in my code, I copy the image in a Gdk::Window associated with a DrawingArea object to a Pixbuf. I later use cairo to redraw this to restore the image.

The Linux code uses Gdk::Pixbuf::create() to copy the contents of the Gdk::Window to a Pixbuf. That code segfaults with a bad_alloc error on the MAC. Is there another way to do that? Is there a way to copy the image in the Gdk::Window to a Cairo quartz surface?


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