Re: Font selection panel as part of notebook

On Sun, Sep 24, 2017 at 10:54 PM,  <cecashon aol com> wrote:

A widget has encapsulated functionality that the designer of the widget does
not expect you to use or see in your application code. Changing a "private"
widget may have negative consequences for how the widget works. If a widget
doesn't have the functionality that you need then file a feature request in
bugzilla so that it can be implemented. Or, create your own widget.

Is it illegal? No, and I would say it is something, as a developer, it is
good to look at. You would want to look at the code of how the widget you
are changing works to see if it is OK to do so. The font selection widget is
deprecated so I don't think anymore changes are going to be made to it. A
widget developer can change the private structure at any time which could
break code that depends on a certain structure. Your code would be at risk
of not working even across minor version changes in GTK. You are probably
fairly safe that this widgets internal structure isn't going to change
though. That isn't true for a lot of widgets.

OK, understood.

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