Re: How does one add an item to the “recently used” file list (from Python)?

Op 10/08/2016 om 11:52 PM schreef Laurence Gonsalves:
On Fri, Oct 7, 2016 at 3:13 PM, infirit <infirit gmail com> wrote:
That is how you do it, however you _require_ a main-loop running for
this to work. Working example below.
from gi.repository import Gtk, GLib

def on_timeout(manager):
    res = manager.add_item('file:///home/user/example.txt')

recent_manager = Gtk.RecentManager.get_default()

GLib.timeout_add(5000, on_timeout, recent_manager)

Thanks! Is it necessary to use timeout_add? I noticed that I can call
add_item before starting the main loop, and it seems to work once the
main loop is started. I'm not sure if that's relying on undocumented
behavior, however.

There is no undocumented behaviour, many parts of Gtk and GLib require a
mainloop to function properly, GtkRecentManager is one of them and
sending/receiving signals is another.

A timeout is necessary (or any other way to schedule something) as
calling Gtk.main is a blocking operation.
I also want to quit the process right after adding the items. This
seems to work:

    recent_mgr = Gtk.RecentManager.get_default()
    for file in args.files:
        uri = GLib.filename_to_uri(os.path.abspath(file))


You could do that but it relies, imo, on implicit behaviour that if no
higher tasks are running it should quit. My approach would be that you
explicitly call Gtk.main_quit when you are done processing the files.
Modifying my on_timeout function it would look something like below.
Notice also the usage of GFile [1]

def on_timeout(manager, files):
    for path in files:
        f = Gio.File.new_for_path(path)
        exists = f.query_exists()
        if exists:
            res = manager.add_item(f.get_uri())

My timeout was five seconds, but it could be one milliseconds so it has
no noticeable delay when you run it.



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