Re: Can't read stdout of bash with GSubprocess on MSYS2

On 9/27/2015 10:01 PM, Gang Chen wrote:
I'm writing a GTK+ application with MINGW-W64, which spawns a subprocess
running bash to execute some commands with GSubprocess and reads stdout
of bash (installed from MSYS2). I found that if compiled without
"-mwindows" compilation option the main process can read the stdout,
while with "-mwindows", the read function always returns 0 bytes read.
If the main process runs a normal console program, or like
"mingw32/bin/gcc.exe", then it can read stdout even if compiled with

The -mwindows option tells the compiler to not include the code to use
CONSOLE code such that stdin, stdout and stderr are not open.  Knowing
this what you describe makes sense.


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