Re: How to grey out menu items

On Sat, 2015-09-26 at 13:14 +0200, Rafał Lużyński wrote:
On 20.09.2015 01:05 Stefan Salewski <mail ssalewski de> wrote:
[...] May it be better, and is it possible to do that on the fly,
when the pulldown menu pops on? Maybe a signal which is emitted
the item becomes visible? Can not find something like that

You can connect to the "map-event" signal of the popup widget:
or to the "select" signal of the menu item which owns the popup:
The "activate" and "activate-item" signals are probably not good
because in Ubuntu Unity I've seen them emitted even when the popups
are not opened. Also I am not sure if they are emitted when a user
hovers the mouse over the item which opens the popup.

Thank you all for the remarks and hints.
I know already that for GTK3 using "Actions" is recommended -- my app
was initially built with GTK2, so not all is ported to best GTK3
practice yet.

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