File chooser typeahead

Since GTK+ 3.16 the typeahead feature in the file chooser widget / file
chooser dialog is no longer available (so that it highlights the entry
that starts with the letters you typed).

Some users (including myself) heavily rely on this feature and I don't
see why this is no longer an option.

Is there a reason for this change? I was able to patch the feature back
in by reverting those two commits:

I haven't seen any broken behaviour. It even isn't more code to maintain
or more disk space used with typeahead.
Removing typeahead from nautilus was no big deal, since there are
alternatives to replace the file manager. The file chooser, however,
cannot be easily replaced without installing another version of GTK.

So, why was this feature removed and is there a chance you will put it
back in?

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