Re: TreeView/ListStore reordering by DND

On Sat, 2014-03-01 at 00:42 +0000, Lance Capser (lmcapser) wrote:
The "row_inserted" and "row_deleted" signals in the GtkTreeModel are
each called with the GtkTreePath of the row in question:

That is true.

But for my test with a list with only two rows I got numbers from 0 to 2
from gtk_tree_path_get_indices () when moving rows with the mouse. It
may be OK getting index two for insertion, because inserting occurs
before deletion. But currently I am not able to map the indices to the
correct row numbers, seems to be more or less arbitrary. And the iter
seems to be empty (no data) for the "row_inserted" signal handler?

(Currently I am testing with the Ruby bindings for GTK3, which generally
work very well. I will continue testing with some C code soon...)

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